About Us

Policy Advocates on a Mission.

We serve those who have been pushed out of the process by the forces of power and are committed to uplifting the voice of people who traditionally have not had audiences in state legislatures or Congress.

SDMC serves community leaders and advocates in the nonprofit and advocacy communities, business owners, providers and funders. If you’re working to dismantle the system or have felt left out of the legislative process, we are here to elevate your voice and help you change the world for good through the power of community building, collaboration and accessibility.

Our Story

Our work is born out of the system itself. We don't just advocate for policy change, we have lived policy. Foster care, education, policing, systemic racism, we've been there.

We have seen firsthand the limitations of the system and what it takes to break out of it. A good mentor, an after-school program, an off-hand comment that a promising student should go to college. These things are not enough. The system needs to be dismantled and rebuilt by the people who live within it.

Our Mission

We don't want to just change the system. We believe that the system doesn't work. We want to be system-busters, radical transformers who help tear down and remake the system so that it works for the people who live within it.

SDMC is Making Policy Personal.

Find out how we can help with a 30-Minute consultation.

Meet Our Team

Samuel D. Martin

CEO & Head Lobbyist
He/Him  |   Email

Rachel Grubb

Co-Design Specialist
She/Her  |   Email

Ginny Engholm

Marketing & Communications
She/Her  |   Email

Ginny Engholm

Marketing & Communications
She/Her  |   Email